Our nutrition packages are tailored to help you make informed food choices, manage your weight effectively, and develop a positive relationship with food.
Whether you're looking for personalized meal plans, expert consultations, or workshops on mindful eating, we have the right package to meet your needs. Following this is our selection of packages


Healthy Eating Starter Kit

Description: This package is designed for employees who want to kickstart their journey towards a healthier diet. It includes personalized meal plans, nutrition consultations, and a variety of resources to help employees make informed food choices. Duration: 1 month

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Weight Management Program

Description: This package is ideal for employees looking to manage their weight effectively. It offers customized meal plans, regular check-ins with a nutritionist, and access to a weight management app for tracking progress. Duration: 3 months


Mindful Eating Workshop

Description: This package focuses on promoting mindful eating habits among employees. It includes interactive workshops, mindfulness exercises, and guidance on creating a positive relationship with food. Duration: Half-day workshop


Stay active and energized with our fitness packages!
From invigorating group exercise classes led by certified instructors to personalized training programs designed to help you reach your fitness goals, we have something for everyone.
Join our classes, work with a personal trainer, or unwind at a wellness retreat to rejuvenate your body and mind.


Group Exercise Classes

Group exercise suits people of all ages and fitness levels. Regular group exercise improves your fitness, heart health and weight loss. Exercising with others boosts your mental health and creates community connections.

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Personal Training Program

Description: This package provides one-on-one sessions with a personal trainer to help employees achieve their fitness goals. The program includes personalized workout plans, regular progress assessments, and nutritional guidance. Duration: 12 weeks


Wellness Retreat:

Description: This package offers a rejuvenating wellness retreat experience for employees. It includes a weekend getaway at a peaceful location, outdoor activities like hiking and yoga, healthy meals, and workshops on stress management and self-care. Duration: 2-day retreat